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Honremos A Los Muertos - A Día De Muertos Celebration with El Santo Golpe

Nov 2, 2024
Sat 6:00pm
2024/2025 Season

Honremos a Los Muertos - A Día De Muertos Celebration. This family-friendly event is FREE and features face painting, costumed Catrinas, a community altar, art-making activities and live music from De Cajón Latin Music all taking place in the CCA lobby.

Beginning at 7:30 P.M., El Santo Golpe will play a free concert in one of the theatres at CCA. El Santo Golpe is a one-of-a-kind "Afro-Latin" musical spectacle that borrows influence from the rhythms, sounds, traditions and folklore from the Afro-Latin Diaspora around the world. They honor different cultures by using traditional instrumentation like eight-string jaranas, tarima, djembe, Primera, and accordion. Bring the whole family for a night of fun and incredible music!

Attendees are invited to dress in their Day of the Dead best!


Honremos a Los Muertos - A Día De Muertos Celebration. Este evento familiar culturalmente festivo es GRATUITO y ofrecerá pintura de caritas, Catrinas disfrazadas, un altar comunitario, actividades artísticas y música en vivo de De Cajón Latin Music, y se llevará a cabo en el vestíbulo del centro de artes CCA.

A partir de las 7:30 p.m., El Santo Golpe ofrecerá un concierto gratuito en uno de los teatros del centro de artes CCA. El Santo Golpe es un espectáculo musical "afrolatino" único en su tipo, el cual refleja la influencia de los ritmos, los sonidos, las tradiciones y el folclore de la diáspora afrolatina de a través del mundo. Ellos honran a distintas culturas mediante el uso de instrumentación tradicional, tal como jaranas de ocho cuerdas, tarima, djembé, primera, y acordeón. ¡Traiga a toda la familia para una noche de diversión y música increíble!

¡Vestirse con sus mejores trajes de Día de Muertos!



The alter is located in the in the Recital Hall at the CCA and will be open Nov 2.

Bring items that honor your loved ones with a photo or object that reminds you of them . Objects may include sugar skulls, favorite non-perishable food or unopened beverages, paper flowers, and unlit candles. Please sign into the guestbook to leave a note of tribute to your loved one, as well as to log any photos or mementos that have been dropped off and you would like returned. Any personal items can be picked up from the CCA box office during business hours, Nov 4 - 8. 



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El Santo Golpe - Day of the Dead - Riverside 2021