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We Want the Community's Input

Aerial view of the front of a performing arts center with a blue sky in the background


The City of Chandler, Chandler Unified School District and Chandler Cultural Foundation are working with international arts management firm AMS Planning & Research to conduct a community survey.

The perspective of a Chandler resident or someone who visits the City of Chandler is important in helping to determine a strategic path forward for Chandler Center for the Arts and its spaces.  

The survey is anonymous, seeking information about how community members participate in arts and entertainment in Chandler and beyond. Responses will also give a deeper understanding about CCA amenities, the interest in arts and culture in the community and why people attend events.

The survey takes 10 minutes to complete and will be available to complete until August 31. The CCA is giving away two tickets to a performance; the public can sign up for the drawing at the end of the survey and still have their responses be anonymous.

Esta encuesta tambien esta disponible en espanol.