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Celebrating 50 Years of Funk with Average White Band

Band stands on stage with colorful lights and smoke.


Average White Band, one of the best soul and funk bands of all-time is bringing their farewell tour CCA on November 22. Chandler Center for the Arts (CCA) caught up with the legendary band who brought us “Pick Up the Pieces,” “Cut The Cake,” and more ahead of their performance to learn what it takes to reach 50 years of musical success. 

1.    What was your inspiration to become musicians? 

The great work and music of our vocal and instrumental heroes, and the will to try and master their incredible talents, such was (and still is) their subsequent influence on all of us.

2.    Describe the band’s first performance. 

A festival in Lincoln, England in 1972 and as big a stage as you could get back then in the UK. We learned a lot from that!

3.    Describe the band’s favorite performances. 

Our favourite gigs rather defy description, but generally it’s a combination of having played our very best, and had a like reaction from the audience in each case.

4.    What was your creative process when writing new music?

Mainly collaborative, with initial ideas, riffs or lyrics from individuals to start the ball rolling, then everyone joins in with grooves and arrangements.

5.    How does each member of the Average White Band prepare for a performance? 

Much as a sports team, we all have our own warm-up or other quirks and processes that we approach a show with in the dressing room or backstage.

6.    Will there be any solo performances by any members of Average White Band? 

Who knows? We’re so wrapped up in making this farewell tour the very best it can be that our future projects & designs are on hold right now. I’m certain there will be though.

7.    What is each member of Average White Band currently listening to? 

A complete panoply of genres of music – some listen to jazz, others to classic soul, gospel, some classical and some to Celtic or traditional music styles. Marvin Gaye would be a universal playlist staple for everyone! 

8.    What is a hobby each member can share that is outside of making music? 

Art, cooking, outdoor pursuits, trying to master the digital world, and trying to give back to family the time they have lost to us traveling fools.

9.    What kind of advice can each member give aspiring musicians? 

If your drive to conquer the vagaries of music is 110%, then take every opportunity to play with all kinds of musicians and try all kinds of music that inspires. Otherwise, choose another world that might guarantee you some money right off the bat, and let music be your hobby.

We caught up with the legendary funk band to learn what it takes to reach 50 years of success. Read the Q&A.